Amendments to studies initially submitted in HSERA must be submitted in HSERA via a modification submission. Instructions on this are below. Additionally, the following attachments should be included:
All modification submissions require the use of the most recent version of the IRB Modification Form. The HSERA modification electronic form is outdated and does not require all the necessary fields for the IRB to conduct a review. After completing the submission form, save it to your computer. PI signature on the form is NOT required when submitting in HSERA.
Please provide both tracked and clean copies of all documents to facilitate IRB review, including protocols, informed consents, IBs, and other participant facing materials. The IRB strongly prefers that teams utilize the Track Changes feature in the Review menu in Microsoft Word.
*Note: If a Sponsor declines to provide a tracked document, please note this in the summary. Further summary/explanation of revisions may be required by the IRB in order to process the modification.
While use of this template is not required at this time, the IRB encourages teams to use the provided template to format and organize a summary of changes for clinical trials and other complex protocols. Utilizing this format will ensure that all required information is provided to the IRB. Ensuring your summary includes this information facilitates the IRB review process in that it can: 1) decrease the amount of time it takes for IRB staff and members to review; and 2) decrease the likelihood of returns and questions.
If the study is greater than minimal risk, or your sponsor requires a document list in the letter, a document list must be provided for the IRB correspondence letter or modification form. This listing should be in a format that the IRB may copy and paste into the IRB approval letter. Study teams are responsible for the accuracy of the document list.
Step by step instructions on how to submit your revised documents in HSERA as well as how to revise the HSERA application.
Guidance on how revised documents should be submitted for studies submitted prior to the implementation of HSERA.
For older studies that pre-date the existence of HSERA, the submission may be submitted via email to the IRB PO Box. PI signature is required for all paper submissions.
How to Submit a Personnel ModificationClick below for guidance on how to submit personnel changes to the IRB, including Principal Investigator (PI) changes.
Below are frequently asked questions about modification submissions.
Can I submit a modification at the same time as Continuing Review? Are modifications required for exempt research?This section contains guidance on when modifications should be submitted for studies reviewed under exempt and limited review categories.
Federal regulations require modifications for studies that have undergone Limited Review. Please consult your initial approval letter to determine if your study underwent Limited Review. If you are still not sure, please reach out to the original reviewer or a senior analyst.
Modifications to exempt studies are typically not required. As the IRB has determined the study to meet criteria for exemption, the study team can make non-significant changes to their protocol and study documents without notifying the IRB or requesting formal approval.
Examples of changes that do not require IRB review:
Researchers may submit modifications to IRB exempt protocols that are not required. For example, researchers may want IRB reassurance that the changes are acceptable, or they may want to add new personnel to the protocol so that they can gain access to HS-ERA. IRB staff assigned exempt modifications are encouraged to process these items for acknowledgement in timely manner and to obtain necessary information via email in order to facilitate these requests.
Significant changes to the exempt protocol, changes that impact a limited IRB review determination, or changes that impact HIPAA-compliance status require assessment by the IRB through modification of the protocol in HS ERA. Changes that increase the risk of the study, enroll a vulnerable population, or otherwise require expedited or convened review should be submitted for IRB review under a new initial protocol submission.
Examples of changes that require IRB review:
What Modifications Require Full-Board Review? What Modifications Qualify for Expedited Review?Both the IRB Modification Form and the HSERA electronic modification application request that you identify the level of IRB review required for your modification submission so that it can be properly assigned. If a change may represent more than minimal risk to subjects, it must be reviewed and approved by the IRB at a convened meeting. This applies to both minimal risk and greater than minimal risk studies. The IRB must review and approve proposed changes before the change can be implemented, unless the change is necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to the research participants. In the case of a change implemented to eliminate an immediate hazard to participants, please review the separate guidance for how to submit Exception requests. Click below for examples.
What level of IRB review is required?
Both the IRB Modification Form and the HSERA electronic modification application request that you identify the level of IRB review required for your modification submission so that it can be properly assigned.
If a change may represent more than minimal risk to subjects, it must be reviewed and approved by the IRB at a convened meeting. This applies to both minimal risk and greater than minimal risk studies. The IRB must review and approve proposed changes before the change can be implemented, unless the change is necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to the research participants. In the case of a change implemented to eliminate an immediate hazard to participants, please review the separate guidance for how to submit Exception requests.
Examples of changes that may require convened board review:
Examples of changes that may be eligible for expedited review:
Guidance on timelines for submitting “New Information” that identifies new risks or that may affect a subject’s willingness to take part in the study (e.g., action letter, revised IB with impact on the protocol and/or consent, revised procedures, etc.).
When a change of protocol is planned it should be submitted to the IRB for review in a timely manner, especially if the changes include revisions that
Some modification submissions may not technically be changing any aspect of the study but are still required. Such as providing DSMB reports, notes to file, memos from the sponsor, letters from the FDA or other oversight organization. Submitting these things in real time throughout the year will help to reduce the number of documents you need to coordinate and include at the time of Continuing Review and will improve regulatory compliance.
Changes Resulting from New Information
Changes that are the result of new information that identifies new risks or that may affect a subject’s willingness to take part in the study (e.g., action letter, revised IB with impact on the protocol and/or consent, revised procedures, etc.) should be submitted to the IRB by the study team as soon as possible. Submission to the IRB of such new information is expected to occur no later than 90 days from either 1) receipt from a sponsor, lead PI, etc. or 2) identification of the new information when there is not an external sponsor or lead site. This timeframe should allow the research team sufficient time to prepare the change of protocol application materials and obtain approval by a scientific review committee, when required, prior to review by the IRB.
Please note that some new information may require immediate notification to participants. Principal Investigators should consider this and (when applicable) consult with the sponsor / lead PI or the IRB as necessary.
Exceptions to the 90 day submission timeline may be appropriate in certain circumstances (e.g., when no one has been enrolled on the study and enrollment will be held until the new information is approved by the IRB; when no one is actively participating in the study and the new information doesn’t apply to subjects on study, etc.). Principal Investigators should consider the impact on participants in these cases and consult with the sponsor / lead PI or the IRB as necessary.
As necessary, if version dates on documents appear significantly delayed, please clarify for the IRB date of receipt from the sponsor. The IRB may ask for this clarity if this is not provided.